Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find questions and answers from previous competitors entering the Trans Atlas Marathon.  We hope that most of your questions will be answered here but if you have another question, please feel free to email us and we will then add your question (and answer) to this list:


Travel & Registration

You can pay via our online payment system which accepts VISA and MasterCard credit cards OR you can pay by bank transfer to our UK bank account (details on request).

We speak English, French, German and Arabic at TAM.  If you would like to speak to a runner who has been on TAM then we can put you in touch.  Just let us know.

Yes, we offer reduced race entrance fees for Moroccan citizens and can offer FREE places to members of the running press.

The cost depends on whether you are running the full TAM or the TAM CHALLENGE.  €1390 for the full tam and €1390 for the TAM CHALLENGE.  The extra cost of the TAM CHALLENGE is related to the extra transportation costs.

Yes, we are going to launch an ‘Earlybird’ registration discount which will be 15% off the total fee.  More details of this to be announced very soon.  Any registrants who have paid their deposit before the Earlybird offer is announced will receive the discount when paying the balance payment.

The deposit is a non-refundable deposit.

The TAM CHALLENGE is a shorter race than the full TAM.  This is to enable people of differing fitness levels to participate in this extraordinary event.  The challenge runners will start each stage alongside the full TAM runners and will end the stage at one of the checkpoints within the first half of the complete stage.  They will then be driven by 4×4 to the end of the stage.  This proved to be a very popular and much appreciated option in 2016 and we are keen to get more and more challenge runners for 2017.  All the fun and life experience with less running!  The extra cost of €200 is to pay for the additional 4×4 transport required for the challenge runners.

In 2016 there were 47 runners.  TAM’s reputation is fast growing and in 2017 we are expecting over 75 runners.  We are aiming to keep TAM under 150 runners to protect the charming and intimate atmosphere of the race.

The deadline for registration is 30 Avril 2025 but we recommend that you register well in advance to enable us to help make sure you are ready and that your travel arrangements are in order.

Yes, you will see the price is slightly higher per runner to enter a running ‘team’.

The entry fee for runners includes: accommodation from 04 – 14 May 2018.  In hotels breakfast is included and during the race days in the mountains breakfast and dinner are included each day (half board).  All transport from the airport and back to the airport and during the entire race.  Medical assistance and VAT are also included.  The organisation has public liability insurance.

Not included are:  Flights to and from Morocco, runners individual or cancellation insurance, any extra hotel nights at the start or end of the race.

  1. Download the Rules/Regulations of the Trans Atlas Marathon.
  2. Sign-up online and pay the deposit using the “Register now” link below.
  3. Complete the Registration documents (English Version | French Version).
  4. Send completed documents, except the Medical Certificate by email (high res scan)
  5. Pay the balance of payment when due.
  6. Complete the medical certificate no less that 30 days prior to race.
  7. Take the medical certificate with you to Morocco.

Program TAM 2022 : approx. 160 km

20 May 2022: Arrive Marrakech, transfer to the hotel not included (at your expense) , night at hotel 5* on BB.
21 May 2022: 08:00 AM – Transfer to Talmest camp, 2300m altitude.
22 May 2022: Technical control.. The rest of the day free for acclimatization.
23 May 2022: Stage 1, 32 km loop.
24 May 2022: Stage 2, ~ From the 35 km loop to Talmest.
25 May 2022: Stage 3, ~ 55 km. from the talmest to Aaros 1800m camp.
26 May 2022: Stage 4, ~40 km. award ceremony, musical evening of traditional music.
27 May 2022: Transfer to Marrakech.
28 May 2022: Breakfast at the hotel, free day in Marrakech. night at the hotel in BB.
29 May 2022: Transfer to the airport at your expense or extend your stay with Ahansal Events.

This schedule is subject to changes.

The Race

There’s an official time in which a runner must reach a certain check-point.
If he / she fails to do so, then by the time he reaches it, the organisers can request that he / she not continue the race but reach the end of that stage by 4×4.   Cut-off time are generous. This does not mean you should use all the time available (12-14 hours) but this will give you the comfort to know you will be surrounded with a range of running levels.

The temperatures in this region of the Atlas mountains can range between 5c (at the top of mountain passes) in the day and 30c in the valleys below.  Obviously, when running in direct sunlight the temperature will be hotter than this (as temperatures are always given ‘in the shade’).

The course is extremely well marked with spray paint marks close together in order for people never to feel lost.

Yes, breakfast and dinner are provided each day at the camp for all runners BUT runners must also bring with them 6 meals for self-preparation as lunch during the race each day.  Often th first runners to arrive at the camp will be hours infant of the slower runners and they may need to make themselves a meal as dinner can be some hours away.

Runners are provided with an unlimited (?) amount of water at each checkpoint in order to fill their bottles or CamelBak’s.

Yes, a full ‘roadbook’ is given to each runner on the first night in Marrakech.  This contains technical details of each stage of the race.

There are frequent check points and each runner is noted as he / she runs through the check point.  If a runner does not turn up at a checkpoint this will alert the organisers that there may be a problem between that check point and the last one. At this point a search party will be dispatched to find you.  We take safety very seriously.


Yes, you can find a complete list of equipment and other advice relating to equipment on the equipment page here.

About 3-6kg including water (no more than 3 litres max), food and cloths.


Yes, breakfast and dinner are provided each day at the camp for all runners BUT runners must also bring with them 6 meals for self-preparation as lunch during the race each day.  Often th first runners to arrive at the camp will be hours infant of the slower runners and they may need to make themselves a meal as dinner can be some hours away.

Runners are provided with an unlimited (?) amount of water at each checkpoint in order to fill their bottles or CamelBak’s.

Camp Details

The camp has showers and lavatories as well as 240v electricity (from generators).  You will be able to charge your phones and in most areas a 3G signal is available for communications.  The camp offers a 3G connection for connecting through WiFi.  Hot water is provided for your cooking of meals as well as cooking gas.  Beds are mattresses and you will bring your own sleeping bag.

The camp will be in the same place for the first 4 nights (Talmest). Then we are going to move to a new location for the 5th and 6th nights in the camp (Agouti).

There is 3G phone signal at most of the camp nights.  Where possible the camp will be offering WiFi connection through a mobile 3G router for the use of runners to communicate via the internet.  3G signal is not present during the race route.  It comes and goes but generally speaking one is never that far from a signal.

Yes, the camp is equipped with a generator which provides 240v electricity.


All runners must have a resting ECG certificate but the ECG during exercise is optional / recommended.

Yes, we have a team of minimum 6 medics  over the entire race.  There will be one Doctor and the rest of the team are nurses and other medical specialists.  Foot wound care is treated at the end of each stage and of course we carry full emergency equipment.

You will need to have your doctor complete a medical certificate to attest to your general state of good health.  You will also need to have an ECG (electrocardiogram).  This is easy and inexpensive to do.

In the case of a medical emergency the organisation would evacuate you to Marrakech where there are good private hospitals (any medical bills at private hospitals are NOT covered by the organisation).  You should have full personal medical insurance to cover any hospitalisation costs or international repatriation).

No risk of AMS as altitude is not high and duration at 3500 meters is short.

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